We’ll dazzle them all…

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Ariel Pink’s Haunted Graffiti – Round And Round

When it knocks in the dead of the night, I will be ready.

You see, I do imagine that one day it will all click. The thing we all must do – the something to live for – will come to us in the sneak or the rush. As a dream, in a mismatch of the written word that reshapes to suit, in song, in love, in war. I have to believe it’ll meet me one day, because what a waste it would be to not find it. And maybe I’ll eventually fail at whatever it might be, but I’m ready for that or at least readying myself for the threat of such an outcome. And in the strangest of places the search reignites; next door aeroplane neighbours, the offering of dry crackers, and the trust that you’ve met one of the rare, one of the good ones, the one who has already found the thing that they must. But for now, sleep. [Tenderly pink.]


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Broadcast – Tears In The Typing Pool

Can we just talk about all of our bad qualities? You should know.

“I am selfish with food and with things, and I spend more money on the most luxurious food than anything else, I starve myself away from everything else, I routinely snip people out of my life if I feel like they aren’t understanding me and I don’t make an effort to be understood, or do I? I hoard things and my apartment and purse are overflowing with receipts and trash and bottles, I’m narcissistic and I’m condemning and I call everyone out but refuse to take anything from them and I brood and cry and I’m never able to escape my emotions and if I hold it in all day I let it out destructively at home and when I’m good I’m great and when I’m bad I’m awful and I buy a lot of things sometimes and then I will threaten myself with death because I will feel so stupid and I judge people based on how they view animals and how they treat their pets and I am enlisted as the supportive friend of those who want to stand on me and I let them and I resent myself for it, and I will be unforgiving if someone leaves me but I can leave without care, and so I’m a hypocrite and I break things when shit goes wrong and I will never tell anyone what I really want out of life and I don’t ever put the lids back on things and I tear open bags the wrong way and open boxes upside down and leave a trail of mess everywhere and I never do the dishes and I am patient with everyone but not myself. I have high standards where I should be accommodating and no standards where I should have more self respect, I guess. How can I know these things? How stupid for me to say them. It’s trash, this is such trash!!!!! I’m a good person.”

[Buy / Myspace / thank you, Allisun]

A hand tied to the bed and the other to a brick

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Ancient Kids – Crystal Family

Before I left Seattle, I got blitzed drunk and antagonized my roommate, stealing his phone and turning off his computer as he typed an email. Here’s a list of some of the shittiest things I’ve seen people do to housemates.

1. Turn off computer while roommate typed email
2. Insult the gap between teeth
3. Wear only a towel while humping to awaken
4. Strap down with rope in bed
5. Put toothpaste in asshole
6. Dip sweaty ball sack into agape mouth
7. Move dresser and closet out of room
8. Pee in the water bottle
9. In retaliation to said water-bottle peeing, masturbate and splooge on face while asleep
10. Steal boyfriend and then marry him
11. Snore

[Download Odd City, free, on January 14.]


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Ryan Adams – Damn, Sam (I Love A Woman That Rains)

In the carriage of a train on her way to the outskirts of the city, she thumbs through the pages of a discarded newspaper and leans her head on the rattling window pane. BUSINESS. flick. HOMEOWNER. flick. CAREERS. flick. ENTERTAINMENT. flick. All the seats on the train were taken but for one where a sizable tear in the upholstery had warded people away, because sitting on a damaged seat is a reflection on your character.


5:54am. The timetable said the bus would arrive at 5:58am. 4 minutes. 4 minutes or a 30-minute wait for the next bus and the clouds were ominously arm-in-arm overhead. “Where you going, lovely?” squealed some woman, hunched, homeless, from a mangy bench. “Far away,” he shouted, mid-stride.


Pulling into the station, she waited for the rest to shuffle past her before getting up. She hated that awkward standstill of courtesy. A man staring aimlessly fixed his gaze on her, mumbled something with the word Love in it, and smiled. She pretended not to hear him. Ambling down the stairs and fumbling through her pockets for her ticket, she worried – for the umpteenth time – about the turnstiles malfunctioning and crushing her thighs like a crab whose intestines were made mostly of metal and shredded train tickets.


6:01am. He waited for the bus.

[Pay for his heartbreak.]

My private life’s an inside joke

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Bright Eyes – Shell Games

“Okay, let me put on some clothes and I’ll be down.”

It was five p.m., but my phone call had awoken Rat. A few minutes later, he stuck a face framed by a homeless beard and shoulder-length hair out his apartment door.

“Here, you can use Lucy’s bathroom,” he said when I mentioned that I needed to pee.

“Is Lucy your roommate or the cat?”

“The cat.”

Rat is better than most at introducing visitors to his city. “We have to go to Yesterdog, it’s one of Grand Rapids’ only unique joints. Then we’ll go to Founders, a good local brewery, and then maybe a whiskey bar.”

And so, with the Pea Coat I found among my luggage wrapped around me, we stepped back out into the Michigan winter. The air in Michigan has a crisp, almost refreshing quality that you remember later when thinking nostalgic thoughts, but it gets so cold it burns when you’re in it.

Rat filled me in on his job, coordinating transportation for movies in the area.

“Amy Smart sat where you’re sitting,” he said, jabbing at my passenger seat with his elbow. “I saw her tits.”


“Danny Trejo sat there too. He gave me a hug.”

“Even better.”

“Bruce Willis makes a cameo in the other movie shooting in town, but I don’t care, Danny Trejo gave me a hug, man.”

After spicy pints of beer at Founders, we drove to a dive bar where some friends of him were playing a gig. I have a weakness for long islands or whiskey gingers under $5, so by the end of the show I was trashed.

“Hi! My name is Zac! I’m homeless!” I slurred while shaking the hand of the drummer’s mom. She escaped my grip and scurried off to her van.

The whiskey bar served Rolling Rock in mason jars for $2.50.

“This bar creeps me out because it feels specifically designed for me. PBR and Rolling Rock for $2.50, over 200 kinds of whiskey, they even play music I like.” The Smashing Pumpkins was on.

“Like it’s the Truman Show?”

“Yeah. So I like it, but I get weirded out.” I sipped a neat shot of Woodford Reserve.

Back at his place, Rat put me in the extra half-room, which served as the pot room for his hippie roommates. I was too far gone to care that my feet extended off the couch and rested against the wall.

Later that night, I woke up to find Lucy burrowing into my chest. She purred satisfactorily as I snored into the night.

[Pre-order The People’s Key.]

I could really use some caffeine…

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Pearl Jam – Lukin

…but this will have to do. [No Code.]

From Coney Island to the Sunset Strip

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Louis Armstrong & The Commanders – Cool Yule

Christmas is rubbish. We’ve touched on this lightly. Well, Daniel did. He didn’t particularly say it was rubbish, just demystified maybe. I loathe the holidays. Family feasts and forced bloodline conversation. “Oh, how’s Aunty so-and-so? Still taking those arts and crafts classes?” Alright, I don’t have an Aunty that does arts and crafts but I betcha some people do. And I bet you a few people hate this fucking time of the year. Bright lights and decorations and hordes of presents that everybody knows – yes, even children – come from the pockets of nine-to-five drones looking to meet the expectations of those around them. We trade material goods for company. Bring drinks and converse!

But maybe Louis Armstrong can make me feel better about it all. That grumbling voice sounds so goddam pleasant, doesn’t it? As if you’ve heard it before, as if you know it well. Maybe it’s that familiarity that warms the heartsichords and douses your skin in hope. [Buy a bit more. Fuck.]

Benoit Pioulard

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25/11/10: Beach House

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Lower Dens – I Get Nervous

…finally, down near the Brighton seafront, and there I was, the lone coloured fellow in a crowd of pale, proudly unwashed hipsters. Despite the melanin gap, however, the outsider and the home crowd were waiting for the same thing: Beach House. The evening’s opening acts had got things going quite nicely. The combination of indoor heating and Lower Dens’ guitars provided much-needed warmth, on the first frosty day of this capricious British winter. The nameless Christian folk singer who preceded the Dens was less welcome, but he seemed to have a good time regardless. Back to Lower Dens, though – they’re good. I hadn’t heard of them before that night. Solid rhythm section, wonderfully-coordinated guitar and bass combos, and sparse, well-timed lyrics that serve more as another instrument than as separate from melody. All the acts that night came from Baltimore, MD, where this bit of magic is set. It must be something in the water. Or the crime.

Beach House – Zebra

The wait for Beach House was long. “It’s a friggin’ duo, how long could they take to get stoned and tune their instruments?” I muttered inaudibly to an under-aged stranger. My anticipation reached its peak, then nosedived into a pit of frustration, as I followed up my third Guinness with a tweet, snidely comparing Lower Dens to “a pauper’s Sonic Youth.” They deserve better than that. The lanky 40-something Yorkshireman spilled his drinkie. A typically obnoxious couple barged their way nearer to the front, earning the derision of everyone, and the retaliation of nobody. Another advantage of having a girlfriend, I thought. Another reason why escorts are so expensive (or so I’ve read).

And then they came on.

My pre-Teen Dream favourite, “Gila,” was first on the set list. The performance itself was immaculate, with the intimate Concorde2 venue lending prime acoustics to the airy gorgeousness issuing forth from our star duo.

Victoria Legrand – or to give her full name, French-Born Victoria Legrand – clearly has some prescient parents. She is indeed a great triumph. If you were to take her out, you wouldn’t order her food for her, would you? She knows what she wants. Her voice can get it, don’t you worry none. I’ve seen some sexy singing front-women in my time: Anaïs Mitchell, Alexis Krauss (of Sleigh Bells), Erika Forster (Au Revoir Simone… she blew me a kiss once!), Annie Clark (St. Vincent)… when she’s on that stage, Victoria beats them all. By a lot. When she’s not playing the organ, she moves her hands and body around a lot during the songs. It’s not really dancing, and it’s not got any functional purpose. But if you were performing those songs, you would move in that same way. The only thing, of course, is that it wouldn’t be sexy when you do it. That’s just how it goes.

Alex Scally’s backing vocals and guitar/keyboard work deserve great praise too, especially on the Teen Dream songs, which came across more rounded and complete even than they did on the album. In the best sense, Beach House’s songs make you want to sing along, even when you don’t know the words.

From the first wavering chords of “Gila” to the end of the encore’s “Take Care”, the risible crowd had faded into background nothingness, and it was Victoria, singing to me alone, my dream of the night before coming true. Well, apart from the chalet and the jacuzzi. Good things come to those who wait.

Beach House – I Do Not Care For The Winter Sun

Oh yeah, they also recorded a Christmas song.

I managed to write about Beach House without once mentioning the phrase ‘dream pop.’ It is actually possible, Pitchfork.

[Buy Teen Dream if you want to experience some sweet melodies this Christmas. Lower Dens’ Twin-Hand Movement is an underrated gem.]

The colour black means it’s time to die

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Janelle Monae – Oh, Maker

Coming to Janelle Monáe with complete clarity, as if she were merely plucked from the very skies above us, it’s a troubling task to repress hearing in her music the trembling purity of the Mamas & The Papas, the grit-like foundation of anything and everything Alicia Keys may do right, the hopeful pacifism of a Sam Cooke, or the expressive bellowing of a younger Mariah Carey – when she had credibility, maybe.

This is an almost four-minute chest of strictly sumptuous music with soft delivery and exact production that exhales through to backing sounds for a walk-through memory, and a dazzling cloud of a synth oil spill – rapidly glittering and spitting tongue twisters.

And yet all the comparisons, for my incessant focus, are entirely unfair. This is not a compilation of tricks; it is entirely a sole offering. As long as she continues to flourish with her current collaborators – or those who will push her further, we’ll all hear the colour in the flowers. If the future of music were a lean neck then Janelle has hands of teeming veins wrapped and taking hold.

Oh, Maker is the perfect appetite creator – and the ArchAndroid, the album, is the filler. The answer. Furthermore, it’s to know that there’s more left in pop music. Just when we thought it was forever stuck in the cyclical, up sprouts an entire universe of extensions and flirtatious choice. “Perhaps what I mean to say is that it’s amazing that your love was mine.” [This is a cold war.]