I’ve come 500 miles…

Written by

José Gonzalez – The Nest

“This next song is about nationalism and paranoia,” said Gonzalez in two-thousand-and-seven. Opening seconds give way to the slightest of inhale-exhale action, subtle to the Nest’s air – soon swamped by plucked notes of meandering-water delivery. “Saw them gathering sticks from the ground by the thicket while assembling the nest.” Through the production, hearing the strings rattle is as vital to this song as hearing a pianist’s pedal feel the brunt of a slamming dusted foot on any instrumental. It’s what puts you in the same room, “Building frantically without any rest.” There’s not enough time to be taken whole by this song, but it’s stupefying in its short availability, and caring in its stranglehold of the resounding thumb-thump of E. “Walls grew dense and blocked out the sun, caving in everyone.” [Rough, In Our Nature.]

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