Adam Green – Down On The Street
Jarrod’s red rash irritates him daily. Spreads across the broken skin on his neck. He scratches at it with the hook-clip of his tie by nodding – pushing his head forward and back helps. It keeps spreading, cantankerous, and he keeps nodding faster and faster. His colleagues mistake his grimace for a grin, and smile back. He nods faster and faster. He tucks in his elbows, his shoulders tense, and picks up his stride to get his mind off the spreading red rash climbing down his chest, nodding along. And his boss promotes him and his colleagues detest him and his head falls off from all the nodding. The End.
[It’s toe-tapping alcoholism. Go buy Gemstones. I am aware that he recently released Minor Love (an album which, by the way, Green penned the press release for himself – including this tidbit “… He often contends that nothing lasts…that there is nothing to look forward to…and that “we are all living in a butcher shop” which Leonard Cohen told him while at a Bar-B-Que at Lou Reed’s house…”) Go buy that too, you rich bastard.]
[This video has an alternate ending. Fire Escape releases July 12.]
Classic story. Can I make an illustrated version? 😀 Good song, shall check out.
Also – Did that guy have syphilis? O_o
I would love for you to make an illustrated version.